Modeling sustainable transport options
Novel methodological concepts to simulate pervasive policy-driven transformations were for the first time tested in a real-world case study application to analyze policy targets associated with the city of Shanghai’s goal of having more electric vehicles on its roads...
Developing an open source energy model
The IIASA Energy Program (ENE) has developed a new generation of its modeling platform MESSAGEix, which is now available under an open source license. The model is used for research applications, as well as for capacity building in IIASA member countries and teaching...
Asia’s looming water crisis
Climate and socioeconomic change is expected to contribute to water stress in Asia, which means that between 1.6 and 2 billion people could potentially experience severe water stress conditions by 2050. By applying water use scenarios developed by the Water Futures...
In search of perfect foresight
The failure to foresee the catastrophic earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident of 2011 was seen by many as a fundamental shortcoming of disaster risk science in Japan. In light of this, the use of scientific knowledge came under renewed scrutiny. Debates continue...
Member countries