Large-scale initiatives
IIASA has multiple large-scale initiatives supporting major transformations in our changing world. These innovative and interdisciplinary projects span a wealth of topics ranging from how to attain the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to solutions for jointly meeting water, energy, and land demands at the global level. The overarching goal of these initiatives is to provide fact-based knowledge that will ultimately contribute to achieving true sustainability on a global scale.
Selected highlight:
Selected highlight:

Identifying development and climate vulnerability hotspots
Understanding the interplay between multiple climate change risks and socioeconomic development is increasingly required to inform policies to manage these risks in pursuit of the sustainable development agenda. To this end, IIASA researchers working on the Integrated...
Top image © Toria | Shutterstock

In search of viable pathways for sustainable development
The World in 2050 (TWI2050) is a global multi-year, multi-partner research initiative launched by IIASA with international partners that involves almost all research programs at the institute. The main focus of the initiative is on deriving viable pathways for...